e-Crime Turkey April 2012
Ground Labs has recently returned from yet
another successful e-Crime event, this time held in the largest city of Turkey, Istanbul, on the 18th of April 2012. Home to more than 15 million people, Istanbul is Turkey’s economic capital and biggest trade centre, home to nearly half the country’s wealth. This therefore makes it a seemingly appropriate location to welcome such a diverse and informative event as e-Crime Turkey has been this year.
This year’s theme sought to emphasise data protection, risk management, and issues thrown into sharp relief by a business decision must not be considered independently of the technology and threat landscape but should instead be embraced.
The growing technology industry often
creates new opportunities for risk and data breaches and it is for this reason that strict security measures must be considered as part of an overall security and compliance strategy. Such examples of this were presented by a number of expert speakers from a range of industries, providing case studies, insights and practical advice on how to mitigate threats, protect data, secure technology and create value. Speakers included, Jeremy Boorer from Entrust, Orcun Bahadir from A&T Bank, Ray Kafity from FireEye, Abdeslam Afras from AccessData and Ferit Rahvanci from Rubbit.
Another speaker at the event was
Ground Labs’ own EMEA Director of Corporate development, Mohamed Zouine, who presented on the importance of Cardholder Data Discovery to the entire audience including a live demo session. Later in the day, Stephen Cavey from Ground Labs delivered an educational session on both Card Recon and Enterprise Recon and how it can be effectively implemented to identify sensitive cardholder data across large scale networks from a centralised location.
e-Crime Turkey was also the perfect
opportunity for Ground Labs to network, establishing new contacts and catch up with existing colleagues.
Congratulations to the the winner of our ‘Win an iPad 2’ competition and many thanks to all those who entered.
We would like to thank AKJ Associates for organising the event and Hilton Hotel for hosting it. We look forward to the Merchant Risk Council European Congress in Dublin, starting the 25th of April.
For complete event photos click here